The events recorded here relating to Anthony Ernest Finch are accurate ‘to the best of my knowledge and belief.’ I have not sought to add or embellish this strange story in any way, much of which is known to me at first or very close second-hand. I have used Finch’s correct name, but otherwise changed all other names of persons and where appropriate, place names as well.
I would like to thank the many people who have helped me in compiling and editing this story, particularly David Blagrove, Leo McNeir, Kay Williams and Rose Kentwell. However, the interpretation of events and the views expressed here are entirely my own.
I would also like to thank Anthony Richards, Chairman of The Inspector Morse Society for encouraging me to write this and my previous account of actual crime on the canals, The Case of the Stolen Narrowboat – both of which the Society has kindly published.
I would also like to thank Morse author Colin Dexter for his inspiration to me, which is obvious; and the pleasure he has given myself and so many others through his books and the associated television productions.
Finally I must thank our local policeman, who best remains anonymous, and to whom I am honoured to dedicate this account. He exemplifies all that is best in the British Bobby on the Beat. For well over ten years, we have been chasing Finch together, although we have never had the satisfaction of actually catching him. I am sure there will be many further opportunities…